Mushrooms jumping up all over the place…

While we are experiencing such a lot of rain, there is a very interesting phenomenon. All over our gardens there are mushrooms appearing, lots of different types.

2014-03-07 16.12.04

This mushroom is more or less the size of a saucer or small plate… it is huge!


These are quite small, growing all over the compost heap…

I have never seen such mushrooms here in our garden before. Now I would love to know: which are poisonous, and which are edible?

9 thoughts on “Mushrooms jumping up all over the place…

  1. Your photos remind me of what the gardens and fields look like in Cape Cod after a big rain. I remember taking little Shadow for a walk and spotting at least a half dozen kinds. As for which are poisonous – I would be too scared to try any!

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