No Fair- Daily Prompt

Daily Prompt: No Fair

by michelle w. on September 20, 2013

Tell us about something you think is terribly unfair — and explain how you would rectify it.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us FAIR.


Funny how a Daily Prompt could sometimes come up that was more or less almost approximately exactly what you wanted to post anyway… and so I shall.

Maybe it is not a question of fair or not anymore, but one of total indifference…

This morning the electricity went out in my house. I was totally annoyed, because now I would not be able to read my friends’ blogs- I need my wifi to do that. Also it is the day in the week that we have a gardener coming in. And we are now off the grid regarding water- but need electricity to pump water from our borehole at the church. So- no internet, no power, no water…

Then the laborers from the church came to ask me: would I help them? Their part of our town is already a week without any water…  I was a bit grumpy, as I still need to work on Sunday’s sermon. But then it struck me: how could I be grumpy about a little inconvenience, and think of doing a sermon, when these people doesn’t have access to the most basic human need- water? So I agreed to help them. And my eldest son also wanted to help.

These people are really poor.  This is the mansion of my gardener…


And I complain sometimes, but I do own an old pickup truck that still works… and an old trailer… I have, they don’t, so why not help?


All across the town, people was pushing any container that they could find, of water to their homes. Some parts of the town had some water, but none in the poorest section.  And it is very hot, and windy, and dry…   But something struck me- none of the people around here complained, or moaned about the damned municipality, or the corrupt politicians driving the shiny BMW’s and Merc’s while basic needs were not met in the poor community…

They saw it as just another day, with just another day’s problems to overcome. And they were smiling, and the children were playing, and waving as we drove by…

This is not an issue of black and white races anymore in South Africa. It is an issue between have’s and have-nots. And in the struggle against poverty, we still have to learn a lot. But I had a marvelous time with one of the ladies’ grandchild, splashing each other with some of the spilled water in my trailer…


When they asked my help, I initially thought that this afternoon would be wasted time. But I was wrong, again… It was one of the most precious lessons to learn… I did not know that their water has been off for a week already… I am able to help.  Does my church members know about the water problem? What would happen if all 1000 adult members of my church really started caring about the basic needs of our neighbours?

And do you know why there is such a water problem? We are getting a shiny new mall in our town next month… the water pipes could not handle the extra pressure…   Shiny malls, thirsty people…  Unhappy rich people, smiling poor people, this world is getting confusing for me…  ImageSo talking about fairness- Is clean drinking water not more important that new shiny shopping malls?